Travel Lover and a Photographer. The iconic piece of Architecture that makes your latest travel destination unmistakable.
The experience of travel is a privilege not everyone has the fortune to do. Exploring our own home, country and the furthest reach of the globe provides a permanent imprint on our souls.
Apart from architecture I have a keen interest in music. I studied music performance on the violin in addition to my architectural studies at university. These days I play the viola with the Stonnington Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra 21 Chamber Orchestra as well as two string quartets.
If its a nice day, you'll find me at the beach.
Growing up in Tasmania taught me to appreciate the environments around us. I love thinking about the connections between natural and man-made spaces; whether that be a window with a view to a mountain or the smell of a warm fire when you arrive home on a cold night.
Once your feet have left the ground and you have tasted flight, you will never return.
One of the most beautiful natural landscapes I have visited - the Canadian Rockies.
My two passions, travel and Disney!
I cant get by without the Australian Alps!
I enjoy all aspects of a farming life from managing our flock of sheep, heritage chickens, growing vegetables and collecting the bales of hay in summer. We are aiming for a sustainable lifestyle.
Family is everything. There is nothing better than being together, sitting down and enjoying a wholesome homemade and home grown meal in the sun with a glass of wine.
There is nothing I enjoy more than an evening of playing and listening to Celtic music with family and friends.
Who doesn’t love Doctor Who? My Grade 2 attempt at pop art still makes me smile.
Grown up in a world of Lego, reinvigorated since having children.
Impressively GRAND with timber in foundation, arches supporting the mammoth structure above, purity of colour, intricate inlay of calligraphy, floral motifs and semi precious stones. Perfect blend of Emotions, Art, Architecture & Building Engineering.
Since moving to Melbourne, I am loving the sunsets from my apartment in St Kilda.
Trying to bake without a recipe: because who needs instructions when you have a whisk and a dream (and maybe a fire extinguisher)
The world is beautiful, let’s all help maintain it.
Time and money is best spent in Italy. A day in Florence taking in some beautiful Renaissance architecture - the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore.
I have a strong interest in geometry and how shapes can become repetitive tessellation patterns that satisfy my self-diagnosed OCD... don’t challenge me in Tetris.
I am the fourth generation in my family to camp along the Murray River. I love nothing more than sitting around the campfire with my cousins after a day of water-skiing.
I consider myself an architecture nerd as much as the next professional, however, I try to distance myself from it as much as possible. I believe the most rewarding part of architecture is when it connects us to culture and place… although sometimes nature is better experienced with minimal intervention.
Music is one of many passions, especially playing my drum set. I have a keen interest in rhythm and its application in musical expression.
Sometimes I’m pondering the degree in which architecture can affect positive change in society and for its people. Other times I’m trying to figure out if keeping a pet alpaca in my Richmond townhouse is a logistic and ethical possibility.
I am happiest in nature - with my dogs by my side.
Balcony gardening and painting is a happy place on the weekend under Melbourne’s skyline views.
Space is to enjoy. The role of architecture is to reflect the elements of nature that delight, inspire and intrigue.
Image: On the Withnail Trail, Haweswater Reservoir, Cumbria, 2023.
I love experiencing new places and really want to travel more in the future – especially if there’s snow involved.