Melba College Sports Stadium
Melba College Sports Stadium
Melba College Sports Stadium

Melba Sports Stadium provides a critical component to the College Educational plan by creating an engaging, enriching and empowering environment focused on Physical Health and Wellbeing. Its multifunction use and community connections extend learning and development beyond the school gate to provide opportunities for students to develop skills, interest and networks in sport and physical activity that will enrich their lives moving forward.

The four court stadium provides expanded facilities to a typical school. This model allows for shared community use of space while still providing a dedicated and separate PE-court that enables access by multiple user groups at the same time. The PE-court featuring various sports line-markings, equipment storage directly accessible, so multiple games can be set up quickly. The height of the Stadium is set at national competition grade netball, so it easily caters for any indoor sport the College chooses to partake. The building also has full change rooms and toilets, all with accessible facilities (embedding an inclusive approach to use)

The facilities also provide space for theory development with studio space to the upper level. This room includes a dedicated kitchenette that is useful for both staff and out-of-hours seminar use and information nights. The College used the opportunity to contribute funding for a weights room that enables students to undertake more specialised sports training and sports science development.

A show court is available for school use in school hours and features the ability to seat 700 students, for assembly or other large gatherings.
